Pet Camping Safety Tips

Dog that ingested hook, line, and bait.

Fishing- Along with fishing brings tasty bait and hooks. Make sure these are out of reach at all times. Pets will go after bait and swallow bait, hook and line! This same thing happened to the x-ray of the dog on the left. Can you find the hook?  

Rattlesnakes- Living in the desert we tend to forget that there are rattlesnake species that live in the forest. It is highly recommended for the safety of your dog to have the rattlesnake vaccine prior to camping. Please call your veterinarian to discuss the risks. 

Leptospirosis- Is a deadly bacterial disease that can be found in lakes, creeks, rivers, marshy areas, or stagnant pools of water in northern Arizona. Although, rare in 2011 four dogs were diagnosed that had contacted it through the Verde River and Oak Creek. It can be passed to humans, as well, therefore discuss vaccine options and risks with your veterinarian to keep you and your pet protected.

First Aid Kit- The ASPCA and Animal Poison Control center recommend bringing a pet first aid kit and peroxide for emergency emesis since the nearest store will probably be hours away. Please call the Animal Poison Control Center 1-888-426-4435 and an Emergency Animal Hospital is you suspect your pet got into poison prior to giving him any peroxide.

Emergency Contact info- Prior to camping find the nearest emergency animal hospitals and store the contact information in your phone.

Proper ID- Make sure your pet is microchipped along with a reflective collar with proper ID attached just in case your pet gets lost.

Keep your pet leashed- Keeping pets leashed keeps that out of many dangers including keeping them away from wild animals, fire dangers, inappropriate food and poisons.

Veterinary Exam- Prior to camping it is best that your pet is examined by a veterinarian to make sure they are healthy to go and pick up a flea and tick preventative from them as well. You don’t want them bringing home any pesky friends like ticks!

Check campsite- Please check campsite for any poisons that might have been left by prior campers before letting your pet out.

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